You can make an appointment during any stage of your communication work, from initial brainstorming to final polishing. Our experienced graduate student Comm Lab Fellows are ready to support your communication growth. Check out their bios to learn more about them.

Schedule an appointment:

Two students looking at a laptop, with one pointing at the screen.

Option 1: Use our online scheduling system

The first time you use the system linked above, you will need to register. You will then be able to see all of the Fellows’ available times and can pick one that will work best for you.

Option 2: Contact the AeroAstro Communication Lab Manager

If none of the Fellows’ times work for you, or you want guidance figuring out which Fellow would be a good match, contact us. Let us know what you’re working on and when it’s due. We’ll help you get the coaching you need to meet your deadline.

Option 3: Contact a Fellow directly

Check out Fellow bios to see if there is a particular Fellow whose background may be a good match for you.



Who can make an appointment?

  • The AeroAstro Communication Lab’s services are free and available to anyone who is in the Department of Aeronautics and Astronautics, affiliated with an AeroAstro lab, or taking a Department class.
  • If you are not sure whether you are eligible, please contact the Communication Lab Manager to inquire.
  • If you are not in AeroAstro, check whether your department has a Communication Lab here.

Who are the Fellows?

Communication Fellows are AeroAstro graduate students or postdocs who have participated in rigorous communication and coaching training.

Logistics: What is a coaching session like?


  • Appointments can be scheduled for 30 – 60 minutes
  • Appointments must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance


Upon scheduling a coaching appointment, the Fellow will reach out to confirm one of the following locations.

  • Our Dedicated Comm Lab Space, 33-320
  • Online through Zoom
  • Another public space

Are coaching appointments accessible?

  • Please let us know if there are any accommodations we could provide to help you make the most of your coaching appointment. If you would like to discuss any accommodations prior to making a Communication Lab appointment, please contact the Communication Lab Manager.

What can I expect during a coaching appointment?

We’ll support your communication work by having conversations with you about high-level principles like audience, structure, and message, rather than focusing on line-editing or grammar. We are particularly strong at brainstorming and outlining, and encourage you to include the Comm Lab in your process as early as you can so that you get the most out of the experience.

  • Fellows will have conversations with clients about their work. As needed, Fellows may use video chat, phone, or other media options to have such conversations.
  • To make the most of your appointment, think in advance about which specific sections or elements of your work would be the most helpful to focus on during your appointment.
  • When a client uses the Comm Lab, neither the content discussed nor the fact that the appointment took place is shared beyond the Comm Lab (except as required to give credit within a class).
  • In respect to Fellows’ time, they
    • will not provide written feedback.
    • are not obligated to read client documents or otherwise prepare before sessions.
  • Please note that Fellows
    • are not available for private hiring or contract work and will not accept gifts from clients.
    • do not replace TAs, course instructors, or S3.

What if I need to cancel or miss an appointment?

  • To respect Fellows’ time, please provide at least 24 hours’ notice if you need to cancel a coaching appointment.
    • If notice is provided less than 3 hours in advance, the appointment will be counted as a “missed appointment”.
  • If a client misses 3 appointments, they will not be able to use Communication Lab services for the subsequent 4 months.

Where else can I get communication consulting services at MIT?

The MIT Writing and Communication Center also offers one-on-one communication consultation on written and oral communication, provided by MIT lecturers who are published writers and experienced teachers. Their services include specialized support for English Language Learners.