Fellows Nick Belsten Graduate Student STAR Lab: space computing for high-contrast imaging telescopes Harsh Bhundiya Graduate Student Aerospace Materials and Structures Lab: manufacturing of large structures in space Mary Dahl Graduate Student STAR Lab: developing self-pointing satellite for target prioritization and planning Sydney Dolan Graduate Student DINaMo Lab: leveraging communication for space traffic Andrew Fishberg Graduate Student Aerospace Control Lab: developing multi-agent mapping algorithms Annabel Gomez Graduate Student MERS Group: human-robot collaboration Evan Kramer Graduate Student Space Systems Lab: optimizing areal cost of space-based telescopes Nick Rober Graduate Student Aerospace Controls Laboratory: safe autonomy through the lens of reachability analysis Annika Thomas Graduate Student Aerospace Controls Laboratory: collaborative robotic perception Staff Brian Mernoff Communication Lab Manager AeroAstro Communication Lab Diana Chien Program Director School of Engineering Communication Lab Alumni Morgan Blevins Graduate Student Multifunctional Metamaterials Lab: manipulating materials, unlocking useful optical responses Sarah Demsky Graduate Student Lab for Aviation & the Environment: optimizing future US aviation biofuel production