Mendy Miller, Senior Scientific Writer and Advisor for the Getz Lab

Senior Scientific Writer and Advisor for the Getz Lab

Mendy is PhD-level scientific writer and editor with over 10 years of professional writing and editing experience focusing on original research manuscripts and grant proposals in the immunology and cancer biology fields. As an advocate for both authors and readers, she excels at ensuring that the authors’ findings and ideas are communicated to other scientists in the most effective, clear, and concise manner by advising on how best to organize data and arguments into a logical, cohesive flow that is easily understood by the reader. At the Broad, Mendy has been working as a scientific storyteller as a Senior Scientific Writer and Advisor in Dr. Gad Getz’s lab in the Cancer Program, specializing in scientist-to-scientist communication in manuscripts and grant proposals. She is excited to contribute her skills and enthusiasm for scientific communication to the larger Broad community as a Broad Comm Lab Fellow.

Before joining the Broad in 2018, Mendy graduated with a BS in Biochemistry and a minor in English Literature from Hartwick College and earned a PhD in Immunology at The University of Chicago, where she investigated the role of inhibitory receptors in regulating innate immune responses. She then transitioned into the professional scientific writing/editing field –– first running her own Scientific Editing business, then working as a Research Associate focused on scientific writing and editing at Northwestern University.