Here you will find announcements for our upcoming events as well as thoughts and perspectives from MechE Communication Fellows on a variety of topics related to science communication. Please let us know if you have suggestions for additional blog posts!
The Brags and Brag-nots: advice for a successful resume
September 21, 2020 September at MIT means one thing: CAREER FAIR! This year’s fully virtual format makes freshening up your resume all the more important. The virtual format means fewer opportunities to make a personal connection (and fewer free t-shirts), but the resume is still an excellent vehicle for making a first impression. Updating your resume is a… View ArticleNot a mere formality – get the most out of your MERE Poster Presentation
June 3, 2020 MIT’s Mechanical Engineering Research Exhibition (MERE) is one of the first big events in the department each fall. As one of the organizers of MERE 2019, I had a birds eye view of the poster presentation, the audience, the judging, and our goals. Whether you’re looking to present at MERE or another poster exhibition, perhaps… View ArticleTOC figures…more than just a thumbnail
May 15, 2020 Table of contents (TOC) or abstract figures are becoming increasingly popular additions to academic journals. Some journals have required them for some time, such as publications by the American Chemical Society. Whether you are new to TOC figures or not, here are some tips for generating TOC graphics to entice and inform! What is a… View Article
Qualifying Exam Workshop
November 14, 2018 This highly interactive workshop will focus on strategies of delivering a successful research talk at the MechE Qualifying Exam. Many specific examples of outlining the message, presenting data, highlighting your contribution, and answering questions will be given. Attend to sharpen your message and get personalized advice from Communication Fellows who have already successfully presented their… View Article
Picturing Science and Engineering by Felice Frankel
November 5, 2018 MechE & ChemE Communication Labs are co-hosting a talk by Felice Frankel on visual design in science communication, where she will pre-view examples and recipes from her upcoming book “Picturing Science and Engineering.” She will discuss various techniques in photography and graphics, with the focus on combining visual appeal with scientific impact. Time: 5-6pm, Venue:… View Article