Helping engineers and scientists

Staffed by CEE Communication Fellows, the Comm Lab offers writing, speaking, and visual design support for the entire CEE community.

Use The Commkit Make an Appointment

The Civil and Environmental Engineering Communication Lab (CEE Comm Lab) is a free resource for the entire community of CEE undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs at MIT. Our trained PhD student and postdoc Communication Fellows offer individual coaching sessions, group workshops, class and laboratory visits, and online resources designed specifically for CEE students and researchers.

1:1 Coaching Sessions

We invite MIT undergraduates, graduate students, and postdocs affiliated with CEE to make coaching appointments for any communication task: posters, journal articles, CVs, fellowship applications, conference talks, and more. From brainstorming to final polishing, the CEE Comm Fellows are here to help! Since 2020, the Comm Lab has hosted more than 600 individual coaching sessions.

CommKit Articles and Blog Posts

The CommKit is a growing collection of free scientific communication resources authored by the CEE Comm Lab team. Our articles and blog posts cover a range of topics, such as manuscripts, presentations, figures, applications, and more. What differentiates our resources from others is the focus on both conceptual and pragmatic guidance along with CEE-relevant examples. We hope that this free and trustworthy resource continues to help undergraduates, graduates, and postdocs around the world.

Workshops and Classroom Visits

The Comm Lab hosts workshops for the MIT CEE community on a variety of scientific communication topics, such as figure design, crafting a literature review, writing a thesis, and more. Each year we host around 20 workshops and events with more than 280 attendees. Our Comm Fellows also visit classes to deliver targeted, interactive workshops ahead of major assignments. Faculty interested in having workshops for their class or lab group can contact the Comm Lab Manager for more information.