Fellows Mani Sai Suryateja (Teja) Jammalamadaka 5th year PhD candidate Cordero Lab Trevor Cambron 2nd year PhD student Terrer Lab Mahdi Seyyedan 3rd year PhD candidate Whittle Lab Michelle S. Zhang 3rd year PhD candidate Entekhabi Lab Souha El Mousadik Postdoctoral Fellow Environmental Dynamics Lab Bensu Manav Postdoctoral Researcher Concrete Sustainability Hub Staff Jared Berezin Manager, Civil and Environmental Engineering Communication Lab Diana Chien Program Director MIT School of Engineering Communication Lab Alumni Ignacio Martin Arzuaga Garcia 6th year PhD candidate Einstein Lab Tori Barber Postdoctoral Fellow Kroll Lab Matthew Goss 5th year PhD student Kroll Group Yagmur Yegin Postdoctoral Fellow Marelli Lab Meghan Blumstein Postdoctoral Fellow Des Marais Lab Sid Pai 5th Year Graduate Student Atmospheric Chemistry and Composition Modeling Group Matti Gralka Postdoctoral Fellow Cordero Lab Linda Seymour 5th year graduate student Masic Lab Devendra Shelar Postdoctoral Fellow Amin Lab Andrew Feldman 5th year graduate student Entekhabi Lab Hyun-Chae “Chad” Loh 5th year graduate student Masic Lab Craig McLean 5th year graduate student Kujawinski Lab, MIT-WHOI Former Staff Sarah Gluck Former CEE Communication Lab Manager Chris Featherman Former CEE Communication Lab Manager