By the numbers

Between September 15, 2014 and September 15, 2019…


Who visited the Comm Lab and why



My favorite technical resource at MIT

The NSE CommLab is my favorite technical resource at MIT. Whenever I have an article, a paper, a presentation, a research proposal, or even an important email, I first schedule an appointment with the CommLab fellows. [They] are friendly professionals who not only help me with technical writing but also provide opinions and advice that I might need. –NSE Graduate Student

My first A+ at MIT

I was really worried about writing my 22.04 paper this spring because I had a packed schedule and left it to the last minute. The fellows at the NSE Comm Lab helped me a lot throughout the process from refining my topic and sketching out an outline to strengthening my thesis statement and replacing number heavy paragraphs with diagrams. I especially appreciated having NSE specific communications help because they were already familiar with the class and the subjects, so we could focus on the writing without having to first explain the concepts I was writing about. In fact, they were able to point out extra facets I hadn’t considered which were relevant to my subject and brought it to the next level. Thanks to the assistance I received from the comm lab, I got my first A+ at MIT. Thank you, Comm Lab! –NSE Undergraduate Student

Could not have made it without your help

I greatly appreciate the support from you and the Communication Lab fellows, especially Mike, Steve, and Patrick. I could not have made it without your help. –NSE Postdoc (now faculty at a research university)

Highly recommend

Public speaking and effective writing are critical skills for all scientists, and engineers — but this is especially true for those of us in the nuclear field. […] I personally benefited from the one-on-one guidance and advice that I received via the Comm Lab while constructing a compelling narrative for my PhD seminar slides during the fall semester. I highly recommend the Lab to other students who wish to elevate their communication skills for both technical and general audiences. –NSE Graduate Student


You might be interested to know that my application made it through the first screening by the search committee. Thanks again for your help getting this far. Your feedback, and that of the Comm Lab in general, has truly been transformative for my application package. –NSE Postdoc (now faculty at a research university)


The paper you helped me write has been published! I’d really like to express my gratitude to you for all the helpful suggestions, they really helped me a lot! –NSE Graduate Student

The Comm Lab was pivotal

The Comm Lab was pivotal in preparing applications for faculty positions and improving my materials to make them stand out and send the message you should hire me. –NSE Graduate Student (now faculty at a liberal arts university)

Help […] in a way only other NSE members can

I have used the lab for a variety of assignments, from internship applications to academic lab reports. Each time, the fellows have been available to speak on the technical quality of my written work, to give advice specific to my field, and to help me structure my ideas. Often speaking from personal experience in the lab and in NSE, fellows can identify with my own experiences and help me express them for writing assignments in a way only other NSE members can. Every fellow is personable, often asking questions on my professional and personal development during appointments. MIT can be a very isolating experience, and it is uplifting when those who offer to help go beyond just academic service. –NSE Undergraduate Student