NSE Communication Fellow 2016-2021
now Project Manager at Nuclear Innovation Alliance
Patrick joined the NSE Communication Lab in 2015 during his first year at MIT and remained an active coach through (and past) his graduation six years later! His graduate research was on the regulation, licensing, and safety of advanced nuclear energy systems. He was co-author of the 2018 MIT Future of Nuclear Energy in a Carbon Constrained World and completed his M.S. with a thesis on advanced fission reactor licensing pathways. Patrick’s doctoral thesis research was on developing and characterizing licensing evaluation methods and regulatory frameworks for commercial fusion facilities. He was advised by Prof. Koroush Shirvan, Zach Hartwig, and Dennis Whyte. Following graduation, Patrick joined the Nuclear Innovation Alliance as a project manager where he leads NRC regulatory modernization activities and nuclear technology development policy programs.
While in the Comm Lab, Patrick worked with over 125 students! He particularly enjoys working with students graduate school applications, PhD qualifying exams, resumes, public outreach/communications, and any policy related document. Patrick enjoyed working so much with students that he remains on the NSE Comm Lab staff part-time even after graduation.