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Gazing Upwards with MIT’s Evan Kramer
February 29, 2024 Night hides a world but reveals a universe. Through this lens the world’s landmarks connect to celestial wonders, science meets art, and astrophotography contributes to nature conservation. Join Evan Kramer, a fourth-year Ph.D. candidate and Comm Lab Fellow at MIT, and Babak Tafreshi, a National Geographic photographer, for an afternoon of inspiring photography and conversation […]
Comm Lab in the News
November 6, 2023 Learn how the Comm Lab turns engineers into well-rounded communicators in this MIT News article celebrating the SoE’s Communication Lab and its 10th anniversary. “For MIT engineering students and postdocs, tasks like writing grant proposals, applying to jobs, and presenting research findings require not only technical expertise but also the ability to clearly communicate. For […]
ASBMB Today: A science communicator explains it all
September 8, 2022 What is a science communicator? Diana Chien, senior program manager at the MIT School of Engineering Communication Lab, talked to ASBMB Today about being a science communicator, her career path and the abstract pyramid. Read the interview here.
MIT Research Slam showcases postdoc and PhD communication skills
May 9, 2022 The 2nd Annual Research Slam featured three-minute talks on cutting-edge research from across MIT in an engaging public showcase and competition. Can you tell the story of a complex research project in only three minutes? Could a presentation emerge from extreme time compression transformed like a diamond from coal? The MIT Research Slam Public Showcase […]
ARIS Announces 2022 Fellowship Award to Jacqueline Goldstein
February 15, 2022 The Center for Advancing Research Impacts in Society (ARIS) is pleased to announce Jacqueline Goldstein, MIT Communication Lab, is a fellowship award recipient. As ARIS Fellows, Goldstein and Dione Rossiter, Executive Director, Science, University of California Berkeley, will work together on their project: The Integration of Inclusive SciComm Principles and Practice into Research Impacts The […]
Participate in MIT’s 2nd Annual Research Slam!
February 15, 2022 Looking to build your research communication skills? Excited to compete for hundreds of dollars in prizes? Participate in MIT’s 2nd Annual Research Slam and Three Minute Thesis (3MTTM) competition! Spread the word to friends and labmates! Perks of participating Hundreds of dollars in prizes! Winner gets $600. Runner-up gets $300. Audience-choice award of $300 We […]
A Talk Outside the Tower: EECS Communication Lab in the news
April 6, 2021 Walking into MIT can feel like entering a foreign country—one with a number for every building and an unwieldy acronym for every organization. Deeper conversations are even more opaque, as fields and subfields command their own complex scientific argot. But if the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us anything, it’s that bridging the gap between scientists […]
When science doesn’t have all the answers
July 17, 2020 Demarcating science in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis By Maria Eugenia Inda, EECS Communication Fellow It matters enormously if I alienate anyone from the truth. — C. S. Lewis In 2020, life was crushed by an invisible enemy that stopped everything… or rather, almost everything, since people’s fears, worries, and questions have only […]