
Mendy Miller, Senior Scientific Writer and Advisor for the Getz Lab

Mendy Miller

Senior Scientific Writer and Advisor for the Getz Lab

Tom Ulrich, Associate Director for Science Communications

Tom Ulrich

Associate Director for Science Communications
Office of Communications

Jenna Sternberg, Alliance manager and science advisor

Jenna Sternberg

Alliance manager and science advisor

Heather Kang, Scientific Communications Project Manager for Ramnik Xavier

Heather Kang

Scientific Communications Project Manager for Ramnik Xavier
Xavier Lab

Elizabeth Heppenheimer, Education Lead

Elizabeth Heppenheimer

Education Lead
Pathogen Genomics Center of Excellence

Robert Majovski, Science Advisor in the Blainey lab, a former Genome Research editor with scientific training in biochemistry and extensive experience in many forms of scientific communication.

Robert Majovski

Science Advisor in the Blainey lab, a former Genome Research editor with scientific training in biochemistry and extensive experience in many forms of scientific communication.

Romanos Sklavenitis Pistofidis, A physician-scientist in experimental and computational immunooncology, with a background in cultural journalism, fiction writing and storytelling

Romanos Sklavenitis Pistofidis

A physician-scientist in experimental and computational immunooncology, with a background in cultural journalism, fiction writing and storytelling

Anahita Vieira, Senior Science Writer for David Liu, Science Communication Instructor (2021 & 2022) for Broad Summer Research Program (BSRP), Neuroscientist, and Freelance Science Writer.

Anahita Vieira

Senior Science Writer for David Liu, Science Communication Instructor (2021 & 2022) for Broad Summer Research Program (BSRP), Neuroscientist, and Freelance Science Writer.

Binyamin Zhitomirsky, Postdoc at the Getz lab, studying cancer genomics and drug resistance. Enthusiastic about public speaking to communicate scientific ideas to different audiences.

Binyamin Zhitomirsky

Postdoc at the Getz lab, studying cancer genomics and drug resistance. Enthusiastic about public speaking to communicate scientific ideas to different audiences.


Jacob Herman, Director, Broad Research Communication Lab

Jacob Herman

Director, Broad Research Communication Lab
Office of Academic Affairs

Leslie Gaffney, Senior Scientific Graphics Editor

Leslie Gaffney

Senior Scientific Graphics Editor
Office of Academic Affairs

Simona Rosu, Academic Program Specialist

Simona Rosu

Academic Program Specialist
Office of Academic Affairs

Diana Chien, Senior Program Manager

Diana Chien

Senior Program Manager
MIT School of Engineering Communication Lab


Paul Clemons, Institute Scientist and director of computational chemical biology research, with expertise in bioinformatics, chemistry, and computational biology, and a strong drive to achieve effective summarization

Paul Clemons

Institute Scientist and director of computational chemical biology research, with expertise in bioinformatics, chemistry, and computational biology, and a strong drive to achieve effective summarization

Pat Leomi, Assistant Manager, Broad Research Communication Lab

Pat Leomi

Assistant Manager, Broad Research Communication Lab
Office of Academic Affairs

Jillian Shaw, Scientific Advisor to the Greka Lab, Kidney Disease Initiative

Jillian Shaw

Scientific Advisor to the Greka Lab, Kidney Disease Initiative

Chris Vockley, Gene regulation and genome engineering enthusiast with a passion for concise and effective scientific communication.

Chris Vockley

Gene regulation and genome engineering enthusiast with a passion for concise and effective scientific communication.