Before your audience decides if they want to invest time in your paper or talk, they will often read your abstract. Abstracts function as your hook, and it is important to keep them interesting and informative. Although they will vary depending on audience and message, each follows a general structure. This Communications Kit will walk you step-by-step through how to write an abstract. If you just wanted to check out some annotated examples, please see the bottom of the page.
1. Before you start
Make sure you understand who your audience is, what you want to tell them and why it is important. This may sound rudimentary, but isolating the goal of your abstract (which is often to convey your research progress and applications) will allow you to get to the point clearly and quickly.
1.1. Understand the purpose
The purpose of any abstract is to advertise its associated talk, paper or poster. Abstracts are short, so every word counts. Quickly communicate to the reader what they will find in your work, as well as why this matters.
1.2. Identify your audience
Make sure that you are writing at the correct level. Consider the amount of jargon the average reader of your abstract will understand, as well as the amount of background you should provide. Who, exactly, will be reading your work. What do they already understand? How broad or narrow are their research areas?
For example, the audience at a talk about nuclear energy policy at a policy conference will already have a working understanding of the current political landscape. However, they may require explanations on the science behind nuclear power. While the audience for the same talk at a nuclear energy conference will require information regarding current policy in the field, they will already be familiar with the scientific mechanisms behind nuclear. You may also choose your audience to match your objective by cherry-picking conferences and journals.
Informed, technical audience *Bold text indicates technical terms |
General audience *Bold text indicates reasons for caring |
“This project will focus on reassessing the importance of the initial magnetic fields that are required to seed any dynamo. In the usual paradigm, the conventional assumption is that these arise via the Biermann battery. Such fields are system-size and weak. In collisionless plasmas, however, recent ab initio results suggest that an altogether different paradigm may be more appropriate; indeed, numerical simulations show that the configuration that gives rise to the Biermann fields becomes prey to the electron Weibel instability. The seed fields that ensue are radically different from those of Biermann origin: they are fairly strong, and live at scales close to the electron skin-depth. This result thus points to a different scenario: the plasma dynamo problem may not, in fact, be as much about amplitude as it is about scale: can electron-scale fields, under the combined action of their own nonlinear evolution and background turbulence, give rise to a large scale field at equipartition levels? Assessing how such seed fields evolve and, critically, whether a plasma dynamo seeded in this fashion may indeed exist, is the key goal in this project.” |
“The universe is magnetized. From galaxies and galaxy clusters to the solar system, including the Sun and our own planet, magnetic fields are found nearly everywhere we look. Their ubiquitous presence is not passive; rather, magnetic fields are key players in the dynamics and shape of the observable universe. Such phenomena can have significant societal implications here on Earth, as illustrated by the case of solar flares. Solar flares are dramatic manifestations of magnetic activity in the Sun that impact directly space weather and may catastrophically affect the national electric power grid. Therefore understanding the mechanisms responsible for cosmic magnetic fields is an important challenge in plasma physics. This landscape provides a fertile area of research and training for students. This project will lead to the development of novel analytical theoretical methods and state-of-the-art supercomputer simulations.” |
The author assumes the audience understands dynamic simulations of plasma physics phenomena, how they’re run, and why this problem is important. |
The author assumes the audience knows very little about the science of magnetic fields. He defines “solar flares” and emphasizes the social impacts of his work. |
Source: Nuno Loureiro (2017) NSF CAREER Award Abstract #1654168. Magnetogenesis Revisited: The First Self-Consistent Plasma Dynamo. All rights reserved by author Annotations added by the NSE Communications Lab.
In general, presentations at conferences should be aimed at the audience in your specific poster or talk section, rather than the thousands of members attending the entire event. If you are giving a departmental seminar talk, you would aim for post-quals graduate students. A journal abstract should assume proficient knowledge in the journal’s main subject, but explain difficult or interdisciplinary terms. When unsure, it is usually best to make an abstract understandable to a broader audience rather than a more narrow one.
The above table contains two abstracts describing the same work: one contains field-specific language and assumptions about what the audience cares about, whereas the other highlights broader impacts.
1.3. Decide on your takeaway message
What is the single most important thing you want your audience to remember? Based on your objective and target audience, try to answer this question in plain words and in one sentence. In the annotated examples, these sentences are often included in “implications” near the end of each abstract. For example, in Capturing radiation-induced microstructure evolution in situ through direct property monitoring, Cody states “We are now able to provide the type of rapid engineering-relevant data necessary to speed the innovation cycle in nuclear material development.”
2. Choosing a structure
Abstracts vary in length depending on each situation, but all (good ones) include: a motivating background, a problem statement, what you will present, the results (if you have them) and the implications.
An effective abstract often follows an hourglass shape–the beginning and end are broader in scope and length, and the middle narrows to explain a very specific research problem in the field (Structure #1). Another approach, common when the intended audience is already familiar with the topic, is to lead with the takeaway (Structure #2). These readers already understand the motivation, and a smooth transition into the background will still allow uninitiated readers to keep up.

The hourglass structure.
Abstract Table 2
Structure #1 |
Structure #2 |
Often for a general audience |
Often for a specialized audience |
Motivating background |
“Here we show…” |
Knowledge gap / Problem statement |
Motivating background |
“Here we show…” |
Knowledge gap / Problem statement |
Results |
Results |
Implications |
Implications |
Abstract Table 3
Structure 1 – Lead with background |
Structure 2 – Lead with takeaway |
Multiphysics modeling of two-phase film boiling within porous corrosion deposits
Miaomiao Jin, Michael Short |
The same abstract, rearranged to show Structure 2. |
Porous corrosion deposits on nuclear fuel cladding, known as CRUD, can cause multiple operational problems in light water reactors (LWRs). CRUD can cause accelerated corrosion of the fuel cladding, increase radiation fields and hence greater exposure risk to plant workers once activated, and induce a downward axial power shift causing an imbalance in core power distribution. In order to facilitate a better understanding of CRUD's effects, such as localized high cladding surface temperatures related to accelerated corrosion rates, we describe an improved, fully-coupled, multiphysics model to simulate heat transfer, chemical reactions and transport, and two-phase fluid flow within these deposits. Our new model features a reformed assumption of 2D, two-phase film boiling within the CRUD, correcting earlier models' assumptions of single-phase coolant flow with wick boiling under high heat fluxes. This model helps to better explain observed experimental values of the effective CRUD thermal conductivity. Finally, we propose a more complete set of boiling regimes, or a more detailed mechanism, to explain recent CRUD deposition experiments by suggesting the new concept of double dryout specifically in thick porous media with boiling chimneys. |
In this paper, we describe an improved, fully-coupled, multiphysics model to simulate heat transfer, chemical reactions and transport, and two-phase fluid flow within porous corrosion deposits on nuclear fuel cladding (known as CRUD). CRUD formation results in multiple operational problems in light water reactors (LWRs). These deposits can cause accelerated corrosion of the fuel cladding, increase radiation field and hence greater exposure risk to plant workers once activated, and induce a downward axial power shift causing an imbalance in core power distribution. In order to facilitate a better understanding of CRUD’s effects, such as localized high cladding surface temperatures related to accelerated corrosion rates, our new model features a reformed assumption of 2D, two-phase film boiling within the CRUD. This corrects earlier models’ assumptions of single-phase coolant flow with wick boiling under high heat fluxes. The model helps to better explain observed experimental values of the effective CRUD thermal conductivity. Finally, we propose a more complete set of boiling regimes, or a more detailed mechanism, to explain recent CRUD deposition experiments by suggesting the new concept of double dryout specifically in thick porous media with boiling chimneys. |
Source: Jin and Short. J. Comput. Phys., 316 (2016), pp. 504-518. All rights reserved by Elsevier. Reproduced here for educational purposes only.
2.1. Motivating background
Start with something general that everyone in your audience cares about, then narrow down to a more specific background. Provide background so that when you get to your problem statement, the audience understands your terminology and logic.
Avoid broad statements like, “With the growing threat of climate change, it is important to pursue clean energy options, including…” It is best to show that your project is unique concisely and clearly, without overly general commentary that doesn’t add substance.
2.2. Problem statement
Show that a knowledge gap exists, and that you have a solution. What question are you trying to answer? This is the primary motivation for your research. The problem statement should flow naturally from a properly built-up backgrounds section.
2.3. “Here we show…”
Now that you have presented a problem, save the day with your solution. Tell the audience what you will present (often, this is the newest part of your research). “Here we show” or “We will present” sentence starters are great signposts to use in this section.
2.4. Results
Ideally, your abstract will include quantitative, explicit results. By asserting specifics, you offer a clear picture of what your paper/presentation/poster/etc offers. Granted, many abstracts must be submitted far in advance (e.g. conferences) and may not include exact results. In these cases, you may offer to present “first results.” Still, be as specific as you can afford to be.
2.4. Impact
Explicitly state the implications of your findings by linking back to the motivating background mentioned at the beginning of your abstract. Again, consider your key message and use this opportunity to leave a lasting impression on your reader.
The Annotated Examples section illustrates how these sections work for abstracts with different structures, used in different contexts (including slide presentations, journal articles, and doctoral theses).
3. Maximize effectiveness
Now that you have a draft written, be sure to comb through and make sure everything is understandable and flows logically.
3.1. Be aware of jargon
“Jargon” (specialized language used by content experts) is a relative term, and there are instances where jargon is expected in order to describe technical content precisely and concisely (see Identify Your Audience). However, that choice must be deliberate.
If you’re writing for a specialized journal like Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A, assume you can skip a lot of background while introducing technical detail that may be considered jargon by non-experts. If you’re writing for a journal with a broader reach such as Nature Materials, you will need to remove jargon, and provide more background and an explicit significance statement.
To reach an audience that includes those outside your specific research area, you can avoid jargon by defining acronyms and possibly-obscure terminology. For example, replace “18/8 SS” with “corrosion resistant steel (18/8).” Other strategies include breaking down your message into simpler sentences.
Abstract Table 4
Content experts can understand: |
General audience can understand: |
“High cycle fatigue usage of the reactor vessel internals is dominated by analytic flow induced vibration loads due to turbulence and reactor coolant pump resonant acoustic loads.” |
“Design of some nuclear power plant components is limited by vibrational forces caused by coolant flow. These forces are primarily caused by turbulence and acoustic resonances from the coolant pump.” |
“Rhenium and osmium precipitates below the solubility limit dominate embrittlement in tungsten under tokamak conditions above 1 dpa.” |
“The lifetime of tungsten-based components in a fusion power plant will be limited by embrittlement due to neutron exposure. At higher doses (>1 dpa), embrittlement is largely caused by the production of secondary phases containing rhenium and osmium.” |
3.2. Compose a strong title
A strong title summarizes the main idea you want to get across. To make a weak title into a strong title, pick out the key nouns and verbs, and link them together with as few words as possible. Consider the following example (credit: Brandon Sorbom):
Abstract Table 5
Weak title |
Strong title |
“Application of recently commercially available high-temperature superconductors enables the construction of high-field magnets which allow fusion reactors to be built smaller and cheaper” |
“New superconductors enable high-field devices: Smaller, cheaper fusion reactors” |
3.3. Consider a graphical abstract
Occasionally, journals will request an accompanying graphical or video abstract for your paper. Potential readers will see graphical abstracts while browsing, so clearly summarize the key takeaway message from your article, and check out our Figure Design article for tips on creating effective visuals. Remember that all abstracts, regardless of format, should follow the same guidelines outlined in this article.
3.4. Check publishing specifications
Make sure that your abstract follows the specific requirements set by your event organizer or publisher. There will be a “guide for authors” or “author instructions.”
3.5. Get feedback
Make sure that you get feedback on your abstract from everyone listed as an author, especially your PI. We also recommend that you make an appointment with a Communication Fellow (we are happy to meet at any point in the writing process), or reach out to a peer who may be similar to your target audience.
4. Annotated examples
Below are abstract examples meant for different communication tasks.
To get started or receive feedback on your draft, make an appointment with us. We’d love to help!