Need discipline-specific communication coaching or resources? Click one of the departments below to make a coaching appointment or access our CommKit articles – quick guides to technical communication needs including posters, journal articles, and fellowship applications. Our CommKits are free for all to use, whether you’re at MIT or elsewhere.
Explore the CommKit across disciplines
Browse the tables below to explore our full array of guides to career and scientific communication, customized for each discipline that we serve. Just click the checkmark to access the article.
Career: Applications for Academic Positions
AeroAstro |
Biological Eng. |
Broad Institute (Biomed. & Genomics) |
Chemical Eng. |
Civil & Environmental
Eng. |
Electrical Eng. & Computer Sci. |
Mechanical Eng. |
Nuclear Sci. & Eng. |
Statement of Purpose for Graduate School |
Personal Statement for Graduate School |
Cover Letter for a Faculty Position |
Faculty Application |
Career: Academic Fellowships & Funding
AeroAstro |
Biological Eng. |
Broad Institute (Biomed. & Genomics) |
Chemical Eng. |
Civil & Environmental
Eng. |
Electrical Eng. & Computer Sci. |
Mechanical Eng. |
Nuclear Sci. & Eng. |
AAAS STPF Applicant Statement |
Fellowship Application: General Strategies |
NSF Personal Statement |
NSF Research Proposal |
Postdoc Fellowships: Index of Life Sciences Fellowships |
Career: General Skills
AeroAstro |
Biological Eng. |
Broad Institute (Biomed. & Genomics) |
Chemical Eng. |
Civil & Environmental
Eng. |
Electrical Eng. & Computer Sci. |
Mechanical Eng. |
Nuclear Sci. & Eng. |
Cover Letter: General |
CV/Resume |
Design Portfolio |
Elevator Pitch |
Emails |
Interviewing |
Professional Bios |
Scientific: Written Communication
AeroAstro |
Biological Eng. |
Broad Institute (Biomed. & Genomics) |
Chemical Eng. |
Civil & Environmental
Eng. |
Electrical Eng. & Computer Sci. |
Mechanical Eng. |
Nuclear Sci. & Eng. |
Abstract |
Journal Article: General Tips |
Journal Article: Introduction |
Journal Article: Methods |
Journal Article: Results |
Journal Article: Discussion |
Peer Review: Best Practices |
Peer Review: A Historical Perspective |
Graduate Thesis Prospectus / Proposal |
Scientific: Visual Communication
AeroAstro |
Biological Eng. |
Broad Institute (Biomed. & Genomics) |
Chemical Eng. |
Civil & Environmental
Eng. |
Electrical Eng. & Computer Sci. |
Mechanical Eng. |
Nuclear Sci. & Eng. |
Figure Design |
Poster |
Slideshow Design (see below for presentation skills) |
Technical Photography |
Technical Demonstrations |
Scientific: Oral Communication
AeroAstro |
Biological Eng. |
Broad Institute (Biomed. & Genomics) |
Chemical Eng. |
Civil & Environmental
Eng. |
Electrical Eng. & Computer Sci. |
Mechanical Eng. |
Nuclear Sci. & Eng. |
First Ph.D. Committee Meeting |
Public Speaking: Verbal |
Public Speaking: Nonverbal |
Public Speaking: Practicing |
Public Speaking: Prep on presentation day |
Slideshow Presentation Skills |
Graduate Student Departmental Talks/Seminars |
Third-Year Talk |
CEE General Exam |
Quals |
Virtual Presentations |
Scientific: Coding
AeroAstro |
Biological Eng. |
Broad Institute (Biomed. & Genomics) |
Chemical Eng. |
Civil & Environmental
Eng. |
Electrical Eng. & Computer Sci. |
Mechanical Eng. |
Nuclear Sci. & Eng. |
Coding Mindset |
Coding and Comment Style |
File Structure Organization |
Sci. Policy
AeroAstro |
Biological Eng. |
Broad Institute (Biomed. & Genomics) |
Chemical Eng. |
Civil & Environmental
Eng. |
Electrical Eng. & Computer Sci. |
Mechanical Eng. |
Nuclear Sci. & Eng. |
Introduction to Policy Communication |
Policy Elevator Pitch |
Policy Memo |
Policy Presentation |
Congressional Hill Meeting |
Letter of Support |
Op-Ed |
Public Comment on Pending Regulation |
Templates, Tutorials, & Tools
AeroAstro |
Biological Eng. |
Broad Institute (Biomed. & Genomics) |
Chemical Eng. |
Civil & Environmental
Eng. |
Electrical Eng. & Computer Sci. |
Mechanical Eng. |
Nuclear Sci. & Eng. |
GitHub Resources |
Accessible Communication |
Generative AI |
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